The Industrial Revolution 4 Created by the History Literacy Standards Committee, 8/2015 • Teacher will limit IREAD to just 2 or 3 parts (or I-R-E) to simplify—such as just using steps I. and R. • Teachers may select from the Primary Source Documents provided to adjust the length of the activity. It is recommended Downloads
Preview and Download !Industrial Revolution Reading Comprehension Worksheet Directions: Read the document and answer the questions below. During World War I, a number of severe shortages alerted the world’s scientists to the need for synthetic, or man-made materials. Thus, by 1934, a research team headed by Wallace Downloads
Preview and Download !Industrial Revolution Author: Subject: Social Studies Keywords: Social Studies Sixth Grade worksheets download, Social Studies Sixth Grade study guides download, Industrial Revolution, Social Studies worksheets Created Date: 9/1/2020 7:22:58 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to people’s lives. One result of industri-alization was the growth of cities. Use the information in the chart showing the shifting population of English cities to fill in the bar graph below. 1781 is done for you. Part Three: Comparing Information on a Line Graph Use the line graph to answer the Downloads
Preview and Download !1. What do the drawings show about the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the activity done with the device or equipment? 2. What does each report say about the impact of technological change in the nineteenth century? Educational Equipment 1. 2. Telephones 1. 2. Typewriters 1. 2. Velocipedes (Bicycles) 1. 2. Downloads
Preview and Download !The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain during the middle of the 18th century. It was a period of great change. Before the Industrial Revolution, goods were made in small workshops or even homes. Most people in Britain lived outside of the cities and towns. Many people worked as farmers or craftspeople in ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Industrial Revolution Author: Subject: Social Studies Keywords: Social Studies Sixth Grade worksheets download, Social Studies Sixth Grade study guides download, Industrial Revolution, Social Studies worksheets Created Date: 9/1/2020 7:22:57 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !o With the Industrial Revolution, came an increased demand for raw materials from the Americas, Asia, and Africa. o Advancements in technology produced the Industrial Revolution, while advancements in science and medicine altered the lives of people living in the new industrial cities. Cultural changes soon followed. Downloads
Preview and Download !Unit 4, Activity 7, Bill Gates and Capitalism. Blackline Masters, World History Page 4-11 . 1. How did Bill Gates earn his wealth? 2. Should he be rewarded for his ideas and innovations? Downloads
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